7 mai 2020

Les auteurs.trices prennent la parole : Barbara Kloss #3

Hello les lecteurs ! Comment allez-vous? Le confinement commence à me peser, mais courage c'est la dernière ligne droite, on s'accroche! J'ai profité de ces journées de repos pour chercher de nouvelles personnes à interviewer, et je suis tombée sur une perle.

Après avoir dévoré Gods of men de Barbara Kloss, j'avais quelques questions à poser à l'autrice. Je me suis donc dit : "pourquoi ne pas en faire un article interview" ? Barbara Kloss s'est très gentiment prêtée au jeu et je la remercie encore une fois pour avoir répondu à mes questions avec autant de gentillesse et d’honnêteté ! 

Je précise que je ne suis pas bilingue, loin de là, c'est pourquoi mes questions restent très simples. Je m'excuse pour les personnes qui ne parlent pas anglais, mais je ne voulais pas traduire les réponses de l'autrice au risque de mal traduire une de ses pensées.

✦ Can you introduce yourself in a few words?
Hi! Thanks for having me! I live in beautiful northern California (which inspires a lot of my stories), with my gorgeous husband and three kiddos, and I write epic fantasy when they’re all sleeping. :P

✦ Do you have a favourite book ?
Gah! This is difficult for me because I have a few favorites, depending on genre, so I shall narrow it down to three : Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter.

✦ Which book is currently on your bedside table?
The Princess Bride, by William Goldman, and The Thief, by Megan Whalen Turner.

✦ Do you have another project in preparation?
Right now, I’m mostly focused on the sequel to GODS (Temple of Sand), which releases this December. Some writers can work on multiple projects at a time, but I… am not that sort of writer.

✦ Why do you write fantasy and not another literary genre?
I love the possibility with fantasy. The adventure and the magic—the hope. That’s also why I predominately read fantasy.

✦ Did you want to become a writer as a child?
Nope. Ha! I was never someone who knew exactly what to pursue professionally – I always envied those who did! And actually, I studied science (biochemistry, specifically) and worked for years in a hospital laboratory. BUT. I always LOVED reading, and that love eventually turned into writing my own stories. Once I started, I couldn’t stop.

✦ How many books have you written?
Five, and currently working on the sixth.

✦ Do you have any advice for someone who would like to start writing a fantasy book?
Gosh, there’s so much advice out there. Honestly ? Just START. Sit down and start writing. You can learn all the things and fix them later, but you can never fix what isn’t there.

Do you have a favorite quote?
“Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay… small acts of kindness and love,” ~ Gandalf, The Hobbit (film)

✦ What is your method of writing?
REwriting. Lots and lots of it. I’m a planner, so I do outline, but then as I begin the actual writing process, the story and characters always yank me off my carefully outlined path and lead me down unruly ones. I need an outline for initial boundaries, but then I’ve learned to let the story take me where it wants or needs to go. It’s not the most efficient process, but it works for me. I think. :P

✦ How did this story develop in your head?
I’d been wanting to write something centered around music – I’m a musician myself (pianist). So the idea started there. I also love stories of redemption, which led me to Jeric and Imari, who eventually find redemption through their relationship with each other. Did I mention that I also love enemies-to-lovers stories… ? So, yeah. :D

✦ To write this novel, did you improvise or did you have a precise plan of the chapters?
I HAD a precise plan, but that plan mostly got thrown out the window as I started writing through it. :D

✦ How long did you write the first draft of Gods of men ?
It took me about one year, and all the rewrites took me another. I am… not fast.

Do you have a favorite character, a character you particularly liked to write about in your book?
Braddok, probably. I’m a sucker for sarcasm. It’s one of my love languages.

Encore merci à l'autrice, j'espère que cette petite interview vous aura donné envie de lire Gods of men, qui a été un vrai coup de coeur en fantasy !!!  ♡♡

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